Xuan Chen
Department Affiliations
- Department of Biology Salisbury University Salisbury Maryland USA
- Department of Biology, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD, USA
- Department of Biology Salisbury University Salisbury MD 21801 USA
- Salisbury University
- Department of Biological Sciences, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD 21801, USA
- Department of Biology, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD 21801, USA
- Department of Biology Salisbury University Salisbury MD USA
- Dept of Biology, Salisbury Univ. Salisbury MD USA
- Ant behavior and activity
- impact of natural disturbances
- Insecticide efficacy
- species diversity and recovery mechanisms
- Survivorship and development of larvae
- Ant ecology
- Pest management strategies
- Toxicology
- Phenotypic plasticity
- Food search and transportation
- ecological resilience
- Food-transport behavior
- Foraging ecology
- Ant behavior and ecology
- Interactions between termites and fungi
- Ecological implications of climate models
- Behavioral ecology of termites
- Symbiotic relationships in ecosystems
- Pest control strategies
- Biodiversity and alpha diversity
- Environmental pest control
- Salt marsh restoration and construction
- Impact of pest on agarwood production
- Impact of environmental conditions on microbial communities
- Population ecology of Heortia vitessoides
- Insect responses to temperature
- Metabolic processes in soil ecosystems
- Particle-use behaviors
- community composition and dynamics
- Microbial indicators of environmental stress
- Foraging behavior
- Food-burying behavior
- Soil microbial community succession
- tropical cyclones and environmental stress
- Urban pest management
- Ecological adaptations
- Effects of antagonistic microbes on pest behavior
- Environmental impact of insecticides
- Impact of resource availability on behavior
- Aggregation behavior of larvae
- Climate change
- Behavioral patterns in ants
- Comparative analysis of insecticides
- Insect behavior
- Invasive species
- Local adaptation
- Eusocial insects
- Insecticide resistance
- Monitoring techniques for invasive species
- Agricultural sciences and natural resources
- Food science and technology
- Climatology, atmospheric chemistry and physics
- Biological and biomedical sciences
- Cell cellular biology and anatomy
- Developmental biology and embryology
- Animal sciences
- Agronomy and crop science
- Agricultural, animal, plant, and veterinary sciences nec
- Epidemiology and biostatistics
- Biology biological sciences, general
- Toxicology
- Multidisciplinary interdisciplinary sciences
- Biological and biomedical sciences, other
- Pharmacology and toxicology
- Ecology, evolutionary biology, and epidemiology nec
- Geochemistry
- Oceanography, chemical and physical
- Marine biology and biological oceanography
- Plant pathology and phytopathology
- Microbiology and immunology nec
- Ecology
- Geosciences, atmospheric, and ocean sciences
- Plant sciences
- Hydrology and water resources science
- Interdisciplinary computer sciences nec
- Behavioral and cognitive sciences
- Biochemistry and molecular biology
- Ocean marine sciences and atmospheric science
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology and immunology
- Geology
- Molecular biology
- Ecology, evolutionary biology, and epidemiology
- Agricultural, animal, plant, and veterinary sciences
- Entomology
- Cell cellular and molecular biology
- Data science and data analytics
- Marine sciences
- Multidisciplinary interdisciplinary sciences nec
- Pharmacology
- Atmospheric sciences and meteorology, general
- Multidisciplinary interdisciplinary sciences, other
- Geophysics and seismology
- Biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology
- Geology earth science, general
- Microbiology, general
- Geological and earth sciences
- Interdisciplinary computer sciences
- Ecology and evolutionary biology