Masoud Moghaddam
- 10.1249/01.mss.0000883536.82798.8b
- 10.1249/01.mss.0000983480.29368.36
- 10.1249/01.mss.0001060920.34828.c8
- 10.1249/01.mss.0000980200.41641.da
- 10.21203/
- 10.3390/vision6030047
- 10.1249/01.mss.0000981168.98351.fb
- 10.1080/02640414.2024.2416793
- 10.1055/a-2152-0015
- 10.1055/a-2197-7700
- 10.1249/01.mss.0000759368.70965.fb
Department Affiliations
- Health and Human Performance, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD 21801, USA
- Physical Therapy, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, United States
- Department of Physical Therapy, University of Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, USA
- Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD.
- UMES, Princess Anne, MD.
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD.
- Salisbury University
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD. (Sponsor: Tim Werner, FACSM)
- Blood flow restriction and arterial stiffness research
- Blood Flow Restriction Training
- Arterial stiffness
- sports application
- Neuromuscular adaptations
- Aerobic performance
- Training Methodologies
- upper-extremity performance
- Physiological responses to exercise
- Effects of aerobic exercise on metabolic indicators
- Vascular Compliance
- Impact of COVID-19 on physical activity
- autoregulated vs non-autoregulated methods
- Exercise Prescription
- vision-occluded training
- Remote exercise programs
- Acute Effects of Exercise
- Arterial Stiffness
- rehabilitation effectiveness
- Comparison of Autoregulated and Non-Autoregulated Techniques
- Impact of Exercise on Cardiovascular Health
- strength improvement
- progressive resistance training
- Home-based functional training
- Management and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- High Functional Resistance Training
- blood flow restriction training
- Muscle morphology
- Neuromuscular function
- effects of exercise on cardiovascular health
- Need for further research in exercise-related health interventions
- Perceived Exertion and Discomfort
- Blood flow restriction (BFR) exercise
- safety of training methods
- Conflict of interest disclosure
- Subjective Assessments in Exercise
- arterial stiffness
- Resistance training
- Muscular strength
- Muscle Morphological Adaptations
- Exercise Physiology
- Muscle Damage and Swelling
- Perceptual responses to exercise
- Time-efficient training methods
- Blood Flow Restriction Exercise
- Correction in academic publishing
- Importance of endurance training for health
- Exercise training
- Medical clinical science
- Biological and biomedical sciences
- Exercise physiology and kinesiology
- Rehabilitation and therapeutic sciences
- Health sciences, general
- Bioengineering and biomedical engineering
- Biochemistry and molecular biology
- Biochemistry
- Biophysics
- Mechanical engineering
- Molecular biology
- Biological and biomedical sciences, other
- Biomedical sciences, general
- Physiology, general
- Health sciences, other
- Health medical physics
- Biological, biomedical, and biosystems engineering
- Health sciences
- Health services research
- Public health, general
- Biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology
- Exercise science and kinesiology
- Biological and biosystems engineering and biomedical technology
- Physiology, oncology and cancer biology
- Public health
- Engineering
- Mechanical engineering, general
- Oncology and cancer biology