Marc Fishman
Department Affiliations
- The Department of Psychiatry Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Maryland Treatment Centers Baltimore Maryland USA
- Veterinary pharmacology
- Fentanyl administration effects
- Bioabsorbable polymeric implants
- Respiratory depression mitigation
- Effectiveness of naltrexone implants
- Biochemistry
- Toxicology
- Biochemistry and molecular biology
- Biological and biomedical sciences
- Biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology
- Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences
- Health sciences
- Physiology, general
- Medical clinical science
- Physiology, oncology and cancer biology
- Medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry
- Medical, biomedical, and health informatics
- Health sciences, other
- Pharmaceutical sciences
- Pharmacology and toxicology
- Pharmacology
- Oncology and cancer biology