Ellen M. Lawler
Department Affiliations
- Salisbury University, Department of Biological Sciences, Salisbury, Maryland, 21801, USA (email: ).
- Nature observation
- Migration vs. hibernation in birds
- Comparative behavior of species
- Adaptation of species to environments
- Historical contributions to ornithology
- Ecology, evolutionary biology, and epidemiology
- Agricultural, animal, plant, and veterinary sciences nec
- Developmental biology and embryology
- Plant sciences
- Agricultural, animal, plant, and veterinary sciences
- Ecology
- Biological and biomedical sciences
- Biology biological sciences, general
- Cell cellular biology and anatomy nec
- Cell cellular biology and anatomy
- Cell cellular and molecular biology
- Agricultural sciences and natural resources
- Animal sciences
- Zoology and animal biology
- Biological and biomedical sciences, other
- Ecology and evolutionary biology
- Evolutionary biology