Callista Brown
Department Affiliations
- Salisbury University Salisbury MD
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Model organisms in biomedical research
- Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
- Oxidative stress
- Cellular defense mechanisms
- Role of MRCK-1 in cellular processes
- Medical clinical science
- Biological and biomedical sciences
- Health sciences, general
- Environmental health
- Molecular genetics
- Health sciences, other
- Neuroscience
- Health sciences
- Neurobiology and neurosciences
- Human medical genetics
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Mental health, counseling, and therapy services and sciences
- Biochemistry and molecular biology
- Biochemistry
- Molecular biology
- Genetics and genomics
- Public health, general
- Genetics, general
- Biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology
- Public health
- Neurobiology and anatomy