Blanka Aguero
Department Affiliations
- Department of Biology and L. E. Anderson Bryophyte Herbarium Duke University Durham 27708 NC USA
- Taxonomy and species classification
- Ecological interactions and differentiation
- Climate adaptation and niche analysis
- Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships
- Biochemistry and molecular biology
- Biological and biomedical sciences
- Ecology
- Geochemistry
- Geology earth science, general
- Geosciences, atmospheric, and ocean sciences
- Ecology, evolutionary biology, and epidemiology
- Molecular genetics
- Marine biology and biological oceanography
- Ecology and evolutionary biology
- Genetics and genomics
- Geological and earth sciences
- Ocean marine sciences and atmospheric science
- Evolutionary biology
- Marine sciences
- Hydrology and water resources science
- Geology
- Genetics, general
- Biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology
- Molecular biology